FAQ Videos

On this page, you will find answers to the most commonly asked questions that we get in the clinic. Our team have made the following videos to give you the best answers to those questions:

Why get hearing aids sooner rather than later? Image

Why get hearing aids sooner rather than later?

Why is it better to wear two hearing aids? Image

Why is it better to wear two hearing aids?

How Do We Treat Tinnitus? Image

How Do We Treat Tinnitus?

Why do I need two hearing aids? Image

Why do I need two hearing aids?

Why should I get hearing aids now? Image

Why should I get hearing aids now?

What is auditory processing disorder? Image

What is auditory processing disorder?

Can we assess auditory processing disorder? Image

Can we assess auditory processing disorder?

My my child have a hearing test with speech delay? Image

My my child have a hearing test with speech delay?

How do you do a balance assessment? Image

How do you do a balance assessment?

How do I get used to my hearing aids? Image

How do I get used to my hearing aids?

How often should I upgrade my hearing aids? Image

How often should I upgrade my hearing aids?

How do we test a child's hearing? Image

How do we test a child's hearing?

When Should I Book a Hearing Test? Image

When Should I Book a Hearing Test?

What happens in a hearing aid fitting? Image

What happens in a hearing aid fitting?

What is Glue Ear? Image

What is Glue Ear?

Why should I wear hearing aids everyday? Image

Why should I wear hearing aids everyday?

How to change a dome Image

How to change a dome

How to change a Cerustop wax guard Image

How to change a Cerustop wax guard

How to change a Cerushield wax guard Image

How to change a Cerushield wax guard

How to attach a retention wire Image

How to attach a retention wire

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with Beacon Audiology today

With over 40 years of accumulated experience in performing a high standard of hearing, balance and hearing aid assessments we have the team and equipment to help you.

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